I was so excited about how well the face painting turned out. I had one very cute cool cat on my hands. I find that you can really finish of a costume with a painted face and I think it is easier than it look. I find it hand to have a drawing or guideline to work from. I have made a few discoveries about getting better results with facepainting over the years. I am only an amateur face painter and have only ever used the jars of face paints that you can buy in any craft store.So these tips are from an amateur aimed at amateur face painters using "entry level" resources.
I have found that
- good quality fine paintbrushes work really well and allow for fine detail to be painted without fuss. I tried for a while to use cheap brushes but I just couldn't get good results using them.
- A sea sponge makeup sponge is great for painting the background colour. I wet it squeeze it out really well and then put a bit of the background colour on a pallette and mix a bit of water in to thin it out then run the sponge over it, I test it on the back of my hand first then paint the face.
- I always use a plastic pallete and use a palette spatula to get small amounts of paint, i find this heaps easier than working from the jar.