Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A New Start.

I very much lost the desire last year to blog and scrapbook. Life got busy and whilst I would have loved to reignited my blog, I made the decision to focus on other things. The direction of my blog has changed now with most of my posts dedicated to our move to the Northern Territory in 2012. I have decided that I would like to record my thoughts and feelings and experiences that we will have over the next few years and once we are in our new location this will be a great way to communicate our adventures! I will still share some scrapbooking creations every now and then too! Enrolling in uni  and continuing to work full time has seriously starved me of quality scrapping time so the layouts are not as frequent as previous years (sadly the scrapbooking shopping still is though!!)

So where do I start the 4th of May we received Official notification that our transfer is happening. Brad starts work in Katherine on January 16th 2012. As I have said many times, I have good weeks where I am really excited and ready for the adventure and the opportunities to see an amazing part of Australia that I have not seen and then there is the bad weeks where the sheer scale of the move and everything that needs to be done and the fact that I will be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of my comfort zone away from my family and amazing friendship and support network totally slaps me in the face and I want to crawl under the doona and stay there.

I am a city girl through and through and proud to admit it. I have lived in Brisbane my whole life and have lived in 2 houses yep you read right 2 houses- the one I grew up in and the one we live in now. I am a bit of a sook and happy to admit that I am a little anxious. Moving to a town of under 10 000 people with not much more than a woolworths and Target Country will be a culture shock for me LOL . Brad often reminds me with the cheeky grin and little giggle, that there is no Gloria Jeans in Katherine...................... Nooooooooooooo, how am i expected to survive without my Very Vanilla Chillers? Seriously, I think It may be touch and go for a while, my little body cannot  function without that icy, coffee-ee, vanilla-ree, creamy goodness! LOL!!

 For the first time since I was 15, I will be unemployed. This in itself is a huge thing for me. I have always had a job, even when I was doing the stay at home mum gig.  My amazing boss at my current job has suggested that I can take unpaid  leave............ for 3 years, and while it is oh so tempting, it isn't really fair on them is it ;) I am hoping to complete my degree by the end of this year so I am in a good position to get a decent job.

The kids are coping ok. Ethan is totally cool with it, I am not really sure he totally understands that it is a permanent "holiday" Jazzy on the other hand is worried about leavingher friends and swimming squad. She is getting excited though. The Promise of lots of camping and 4- wheel driving has sweetened the deal though!

The next big task for us is finishing of the house and getting it to a rentable state! hmmmmmmmmmm small task???? NOT!!! Then we need to do an inventory of everything we own that we will be taking with us- huge scary task, definately a whole other blog post.

Looking forward to sharing more but best be off now.
Tam xo :)

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